An irreducible II_1-subfactor A⊂B is exactly 1-supertransitive if B⊖A is reducible as an A − A bimodule. We classify exactly 1-supertransitive subfactors with index at most 6+1/5, leaving aside the composite subfactors at index exactly 6 where there are severe difficulties. Previously, such subfactors were only known up to index 3+\sqrt{5} ≈ 5.23. Our work is a significant extension, and also shows that index 6 is not an insurmountable barrier.There are exactly three such subfactors with index in (3+\sqrt{5},6+1/5], all with index 3+2\sqrt{2}. One of these comes from SO(3)_q at a root of unity, while the other two appear to be closely related, and are ‘braided up to a sign’.