
[1096] RSA: Byzantine-robust stochastic aggregation methods for distributed learning from heterogeneous datasets

Liping Li Wei Xu Tianyi Chen Georgios Giannakis Qing Ling

Optimization and Control mathscidoc:2004.27012

AAAI, 2019
[ Download ] [ 2020-04-27 01:45:30 uploaded by qinglingustc ] [ 1061 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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[1097] Primal-dual optimization algorithms over Riemannian manifolds: an iteration complexity analysis

Junyu Zhang University of Minnesota Shiqian Ma University of California, Davis Shuzhong Zhang University of Minnesota

Optimization and Control mathscidoc:2004.27011

Mathematical Programming, 2019.8
[ Download ] [ 2020-04-27 01:44:35 uploaded by concor123 ] [ 995 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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[1098] Unnormalized optimal transport

Wilfrid Gangbo UCLA Wuchen Li UCLA Stanley Osher UCLA Michael Puthawala Rice

Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing mathscidoc:2004.25002

Journal of Computational Physics, 2019.12
[ Download ] [ 2020-04-27 01:44:06 uploaded by lwc2017 ] [ 866 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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[1099] Can primal methods outperform primal-dual methods in decentralized dynamic optimization?

Kun Yuan UCLA Wei Xu USTC Qing Ling SYSU

Optimization and Control mathscidoc:2004.27010

IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2020
[ Download ] [ 2020-04-27 01:42:40 uploaded by qinglingustc ] [ 690 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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[1100] Federated variance-reduced stochastic gradient descent with robustness to Byzantine attacks

Zhaoxian Wu SYSU Qing Ling SYSU Tianyi Chen RPI Georgios Giannakis UMN

Optimization and Control mathscidoc:2004.27009

IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2020
[ Download ] [ 2020-04-27 01:41:19 uploaded by qinglingustc ] [ 792 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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