
[1661] My Personal Experience on the Subject of Geometric Analysis

Shing-Tung Yau Harvard University


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[1662] Homoclinic tangencies for hyperbolic sets of large Hausdorff dimension

Jacob Palis Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada, Estrada Dona Castorina, 110 Jean-Christophe Yoccoz Département de Mathématiques, Université de Paris-Sud

TBD mathscidoc:1701.331786

Acta Mathematica, 172, (1), 91-136, 1991.8
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[1663] The irreducibility of all but finitely many Bessel Polynomials

Michael Filaseta Department of Mathematics, University of South Carolina

TBD mathscidoc:1701.331807

Acta Mathematica, 174, (2), 383-397, 1992.10
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[1664] The center and the commutator subgroup in hopfian groups

R. Hirshon Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, 333 Jay Street, Brooklyn, N.Y., USA

TBD mathscidoc:1701.332343

Arkiv for Matematik, 9, (1), 181-192, 1970.11
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[1665] On the vector valued Hausdorff-Young inequality

Mats Erik Andersson Department of Mathematics, Royal Institute of Technology

TBD mathscidoc:1701.332881

Arkiv for Matematik, 36, (1), 1-30, 1996.1
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