Two functions Δ and Δ_{$b$}, of interest in combinatorial geometry and the theory of linear programming, are defined and studied. Δ($d, n$) is the maximum diameter of convex polyhedra of dimension$d$with$n$faces of dimension$d$−1; similarly, Δ_{$b$}($d,n$) is the maximum diameter of bounded polyhedra of dimension$d$with$n$faces of dimension$d$−1. The diameter of a polyhedron$P$is the smallest integer$l$such that any two vertices of$P$can be joined by a path of$l$or fewer edges of$P$. It is shown that the bounded$d$-step conjecture, i.e. Δ_{$b$}$(d,2d)=d$, is true for$d$≤5. It is also shown that the general$d$-step conjecture, i.e. Δ($d, 2d$)≤$d$, of significance in linear programming, is false for$d$≥4. A number of other specific values and bounds for Δ and Δ_{$b$}are presented.