Statistics Theory and Methods

[126] High dimensional semiparametric latent graphical model for mixed data

Jianqing Fan Han Liu Yang Ning Hui Zou

Statistics Theory and Methods mathscidoc:1912.43333

Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology), 79, (2), 405-421
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[127] Partially linear hazard regression for multivariate survival data

Jianwen Cai Jianqing Fan Jiancheng Jiang Haibo Zhou

Statistics Theory and Methods mathscidoc:1912.43332

Journal of the American Statistical Association, 102, (478), 538-551, 2007.6
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[128] Power Enhancement in HighDimensional CrossSectional Tests

Jianqing Fan Yuan Liao Jiawei Yao

Statistics Theory and Methods mathscidoc:1912.43330

Econometrica, 83, (4), 1497-1541, 2015.7
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[129] Nonparametric modeling of longitudinal covariance structure in functional mapping of quantitative trait loci

John Stephen Yap Jianqing Fan Rongling Wu

Statistics Theory and Methods mathscidoc:1912.43328

Biometrics, 65, (4), 1068-1077, 2009.12
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[130] Statistical analysis of big data on pharmacogenomics

Jianqing Fan Han Liu

Statistics Theory and Methods mathscidoc:1912.43327

65, (7), 987-1000, 2013.6
[ Download ] [ 2019-12-21 11:37:29 uploaded by Jianqing_Fan ] [ 533 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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