Statistics Theory and Methods

[91] Sufficient forecasting using factor models

Jianqing Fan Lingzhou Xue Jiawei Yao

Statistics Theory and Methods mathscidoc:1912.43357

Journal of econometrics, 201, (2), 292-306, 2017.12
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[92] Variable selection for multivariate failure time data

Jianwen Cai Jianqing Fan Runze Li Haibo Zhou

Statistics Theory and Methods mathscidoc:1912.43305

Biometrika, 92, (2), 303-316, 2005.6
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[93] Assessing prediction error of nonparametric regression and classification under Bregman divergence

Jianqing Fan Chunming Zhang

Statistics Theory and Methods mathscidoc:1912.43420

arXiv preprint math/0506028, 2005.6
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[94] Variance estimation using refitted crossvalidation in ultrahigh dimensional regression

Jianqing Fan Shaojun Guo Ning Hao

Statistics Theory and Methods mathscidoc:1912.43285

Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology), 74, (1), 37-65, 2012.1
[ Download ] [ 2019-12-21 11:35:00 uploaded by Jianqing_Fan ] [ 651 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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[95] Model selection for high-dimensional linear regression with dependent observations

Ching-Kang Ing National Tsing Hua University

Statistics Theory and Methods mathscidoc:2103.33001

Annals of Statistics, 48, 2020.9
[ Download ] [ 2021-03-04 23:28:17 uploaded by mdlselection ] [ 649 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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