Analysis of PDEs

[71] On the constant scalar curvature K\"ahler metrics-apriori estimates

Xiuxiong Chen Stony Brook University Jingrui Cheng Stony Brook University

Analysis of PDEs arXiv subject: Differential Geometry (math.DG) mathscidoc:2005.03003

[ Download ] [ 2020-05-13 03:38:59 uploaded by jrcheng ] [ 1117 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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[72] Global Well-posedness of classical solutions with large oscillations and vacuum to the three-dimensional Compressible Navier-Stokes equations

XIANGDI HUANG University of Science and Technology of China JING LI Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science ZHOUPING XIN The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Analysis of PDEs Mathematical Physics mathscidoc:1705.03006

Silver Award Paper in 2017

CPAM, 14, (4), 791-825, 2012
[ Download ] [ 2017-05-31 10:00:43 uploaded by yauawardadmin ] [ 1113 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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[73] Entire solutions with merging three fronts to the Allen-Cahn equation

Yan-Yu Chen Tamkang University Jong-Shenq Guo Tamkang University Hirokazu Ninomiya Meiji University Chih-Hong Yao Tamkang University

Analysis of PDEs mathscidoc:1609.03007

[ Download ] [ 2016-09-15 06:48:09 uploaded by jsguo ] [ 1107 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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[74] Dynamic and steady states for multi-dimensional Keller-Segel model with diffusion exponent m > 0

Shen Bian Tsinghua University Jian-Guo Liu Duke University

Analysis of PDEs mathscidoc:1702.03040

Communications in Mathematical Physics, 323, (3), 1017–1070, 2013.11
[ Download ] [ 2017-02-08 21:25:28 uploaded by jianguo ] [ 1095 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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[75] Random conformal weldings

Kari Astala Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Helsinki Antti Kupiainen Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Helsinki Eero Saksman Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Helsinki Peter Jones Department of Mathematics, Yale University

Analysis of PDEs Functional Analysis Probability mathscidoc:1701.03004

Acta Mathematica, 207, (2), 203-254, 2009.9
[ Download ] [ 2017-01-08 20:33:57 uploaded by actaadmin ] [ 1091 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Cited by 16 ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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