Analysis of PDEs

[76] The Mathematics of Shock Reflection-Diffraction and von Neumann's conjectures

Gui-Qiang G. Chen University of Oxford Miklhail Feldman University of Wiscosin-Madison

Analysis of PDEs mathscidoc:2104.14001

830, 2018
[ Download ] [ 2021-04-20 06:51:50 uploaded by chengq ] [ 570 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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[77] The weyl problem in warped product spaces

Chunhe Li School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Zhizhang Wang School of Mathematical Sciences, Fudan Univeristy

Analysis of PDEs Differential Geometry mathscidoc:2103.03006

Journal of Differential Geometry, 114, (2), 243-304, 2020.2
[ Download ] [ 2021-03-28 12:22:14 uploaded by Chunhe ] [ 733 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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[78] Estimation of the heat conducted by a cluster of small cavities and characterization of the equivalent heat conduction

Mourad Sini RICAM, Austrian Academy of Sciences Haibing Wang Southeast University

Analysis of PDEs mathscidoc:2103.03005

Multiscale Modeling and Simulation, 17, (4), 1214-1251, 2019.11
[ Download ] [ 2021-03-25 17:40:06 uploaded by hbwang ] [ 584 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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[79] Recovering the boundary corrosion from electrical potential distribution using partial boundary data

Jijun Liu Southeast University Gen Nakamura Inha University

Analysis of PDEs mathscidoc:2103.03004

Inverse Problems and Imaging, 11, (3), 521-538, 2017.4
[ Download ] [ 2021-03-25 17:17:42 uploaded by jjliu ] [ 615 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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[80] Zeros of the deformed exponential function

Liuquan Wang Wuhan University Cheng Zhang Johns Hopkins University

Analysis of PDEs Classical Analysis and ODEs Combinatorics Number Theory mathscidoc:2103.03003

Advances in Mathematics, 332, 311–348, 2018
[ Download ] [ 2021-03-23 10:26:43 uploaded by wanglq ] [ 844 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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