Optimization and Control

[36] Stochastic Quasi-Newton Methods for Nonconvex Stochastic Optimization

Xiao Wang University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Shiqian Ma University of California, Davis Donald Goldfarb Columbia University Wei Liu Tencent AI Lab

Optimization and Control mathscidoc:2004.27007

SIAM Journal on Optimization, 27, (2), 927-956, 2017.5
[ Download ] [ 2020-04-27 01:35:32 uploaded by concor123 ] [ 1216 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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[37] Communication-censored linearized ADMM for decentralized consensus optimization

Weiyu Li Yaohua Liu Zhi Tian Qing Ling

Optimization and Control mathscidoc:2004.27006

IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks, 2020
[ Download ] [ 2020-04-27 01:27:53 uploaded by qinglingustc ] [ 625 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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[38] Communication-censored ADMM for decentralized consensus optimization

Yaohua Liu USTC Wei Xu USTC Gang Wu USTC Zhi Tian GMU Qing Ling SYSU

Optimization and Control mathscidoc:2004.27005

IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2019
[ Download ] [ 2020-04-27 01:26:07 uploaded by qinglingustc ] [ 1001 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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[39] Robust group lasso: Model and recoverability

Xiaohan Wei USC Qing Ling SYSU Zhu Han UH

Optimization and Control mathscidoc:2004.27004

Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2018
[ Download ] [ 2020-04-27 01:22:22 uploaded by qinglingustc ] [ 552 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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[40] Decentralized consensus optimization with asynchrony and delays

Tianyu Wu UCLA Kun Yuan UCLA Qing Ling SYSU Wotao Yin UCLA Ali Sayed UCLA

Optimization and Control mathscidoc:2004.27003

IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks, 2018
[ Download ] [ 2020-04-27 01:20:09 uploaded by qinglingustc ] [ 606 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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