
[5296] Quantum decay rates in chaotic scattering

Stéphane Nonnenmacher Institut de Physique Théorique, CNRS URA 2306, CEA-Saclay Maciej Zworski University of California, Berkeley, Department of Mathematics, Berkeley, CA, U.S.A.

TBD mathscidoc:1701.332008

Acta Mathematica, 203, (2), 149-233, 2007.8
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[5297] On the A-numbers in the quadratic fields K $$(\sqrt { \pm 37} )$$

Trygve Nagell

TBD mathscidoc:1701.332185

Arkiv for Matematik, 4, (6), 511-521, 1963.1
[ Download ] [ 2017-01-08 20:34:28 uploaded by arkivadmin ] [ 728 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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[5298] Residue calculus for c-holomorphic functions

Maciej P. Denkowski LaBAG, Université Bordeaux 1

TBD mathscidoc:1701.333143

Arkiv for Matematik, 47, (1), 73-89, 2006.5
[ Download ] [ 2017-01-08 20:36:24 uploaded by arkivadmin ] [ 728 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Cited by 2 ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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[5299] On a number-theoretic conjecture on positive integral points in a 5-dimensional tetrahedron and a sharp estimate of the Dickman–de Bruijn function

Ke-pao Lin Xue Luo Stephen S.-T. YAU tsinghua University Huaiqing Zuo tsinghua University

Number Theory mathscidoc:1803.24007

J. Eur. Math. Soc., 16, 1937–1966, 2014
[ Download ] [ 2018-03-07 15:08:06 uploaded by hqzuo ] [ 728 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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[5300] Inversion d’opérateurs de courbures au voisinage d’une métrique Ricci parallèle II: variétés non compactes à géométrie bornée

Erwann Delay Avignon Université

Differential Geometry mathscidoc:1912.43016

Arkiv for Matematik, 56, (2), 285 – 297, 2018
[ Download ] [ 2019-12-04 10:18:32 uploaded by arkivadmin ] [ 728 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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